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We are an independent retailer specialising in Gifts, Toys and Clothing from Newborn to 8 years.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Ceiling Springers Selling Fast

Yet again, these boingy, bouncy friends have made it into our Christmas Top Ten. Hang from the ceiling and watch your little one giggle with delight as their favourite creature bounces up and down on its spring. With over 25 characters available, it will be hard to choose just one. But at £7.99 each you can afford to buy two! Or three.. or four... See them all HERE

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Snow in December.

The temperature is really fulling here in Abingdon, and the outlook is for snow.

It is the time to start wrapping up warm, and nothing says warmth to me than sheepskin and wool. In the immortal line from the film "Jason and the Argonauts", "no man can resist the power of the fleece".

Well at least children can enjoy the power of the fleece too with Celtic sheepskin slippers for children .

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Empty Shelves by Christmas

31 days to go and supplier warehouses are running low. Clearly this year the message has to be for shoppers to "buy it when you see it as there are no guarantees we can get it in again before Christmas".
Such toys as the traditional wooden fire engine are down to their last few, with other items now unavailable until next year.
The choice of toys as stocking fillers or children presents for Christmas will not be available for the last minute shopper!!!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Too Cheap!

Heard a story the other day from one of the staff at The Nursery Shop . A customer told her that their prices where too cheap. Not to sound offended she replied that they tend to follow the recommended retail price and besides if they raised the prices then maybe they wouldn't sell so much.
Made me think though. Although I only work on the website I like to keep involved with what is happening in the big picture and when in Oxford I noticed a big chain store selling a similar train set to the wooden train set at a few pounds more.
Think I may have to suggest to The Nursery Shop a price comparison page?

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Animal Hoppers

One of the best advantages of being an independent is that The Nursery Shop can get in on new products before the big shops that demand high volumes. One great success this year and seems to be what every child wants as a Christmas present is the animal hopper. A bit like a space hopper but with attitude!!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Christmas 2010

37 Days until Christmas and the children are getting really excited. Not to mention the parents, and not to mention all the staff at The Nursery Shop. Christmas list have been written in their best handwriting and posted in Santa's post box in the shop. The children have also written their lists too..

Already toys are starting to sell out as it is a frantic time for the staff to keep the shelves full and stay in contact with the manufacturers and suppliers to find out what has run out.

All signs are that the traditional quality toys are what is on Santa's list this year.

I have also just started a discussion on our Facebook page for what you favourite 2010 Christmas toy will be.

My favourite is the railway track and train play table . What's yours?

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